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Dream it, create it, live it!

Business Plan

A basic business plan consists of writing your short and long term  goals and evaluating your current financial resources. It can be simple as to write exactly what your for. If you lack inspiration, keep writing, this will get your creative juices flowing. First, establish the type of business you want, mobile, salon, spa, renting a room, opening up your own spa or working from your home. If you’re looking for financing from a banking institution, it would be wise to ask your accountant to help you create your business plan. Banks want to see something in writing, a forecast of your goals for the next 5 to 10 years.  You can also visit your local Business Development Bank (BDC) to see if you qualify for a small business grant, this only applies, to first time business owners.

Who are your clients?

“Everyone”, is a potential client. Start with your neighbors, hair dressers, waiters, cashiers, schools, parks, theaters, social gatherings, networking groups, colleagues, nail salons. Everyone you come across is a potential customers.

Business cards

Fact is, 80% of people offering  services fail to hand out a business card. It’s your business, hand out cards! You have nothing to lose but so much to gain, you never know who’s going to call you. A note on your business card design, hire a graphic designer, you can find them cheap on . Decide on your theme and colors and the rest is up to the designer to create it for you. to you. I strongly discourage you from going to get a business card from companies with templates such as Vistaprint, it’s not in your best interest. While templates are cheap, they don’t separate you from the norm, imagine you and 100 other people using the same template.

Brand Yourself

Branding yourself is the most important thing for visibility. A powerful logo is something that gets imprinted in people’s minds. For example,  take the golden arches from MacDonalds, Tim Horton’s etc. Once you select the look you like, create your social media pages using the same branding across all social media platforms, again this is your identity. It also adds validity to your company.

Map your Company

Once you have created a web page or landing page, in order to be found on search engine optimization (SEO), add a Google map to authenticate your company. People will have more confident that you are a legit business, especially if you have an e-commerce store.

Add an Online Scheduler to your site and social media pages

By adding a scheduler to your website, people can book their preferred day and time. This also gives you the flexibility to work when you want. It’s also psychological tool  for enticing people to book on the spot, if people see your calendar almost full, inevitably they’ll want to grab a slot, as not to miss out.  Write your terms of services, be clear, for re-scheduling ,cancelled appointments,  no shows, etc.


Write weekly blogs, the more you write, the more search engines will find you.  Clients have a tendency to remain loyal when you bring them valuable information.

Price Menus

Price menus, is something you can add to your website or hand out to people as you talk with them. The first thing a client will ask you is about pricing. Looks more professional to give a price menu out than having to list all your services and pricing.

Add New Services

That’s a great way to increase your bottom line. Take the winter months to learn a new trade or any downtime you have. Mini courses aren’t time consuming and reasonable in pricing. If you want to do a nail service, start with a shellac/manicure. More people are opting for natural looking nails than having to go to chop shops.


For more information: Please contact me at:




Sandra Myatte

Sandra Myatte

Sandra, launched Sun Cocktail, sunless formulas and equipment in 2006. With her vast experience and knowledge in business, she has become a sought after beauty and social media blogger. A contributor in beauty magazines and speaker in beauty trade shows.

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